Indonesia is a country with enormous agricultural and plantation potential..

Juta Petani Aktif
Million Hectares Plantation Field
Juta Hektar
Million Active Farmers
Million Hectares Plantation Field
Juta Hektar

*Year Data 2022

Indonesia has many superior crops in the food crop sector, including rice, oil palm, corn, cocoa, dragon fruit, and many others. Agriculture and Plantations in Indonesia play a major role in Indonesia’s economic growth. The agricultural sector can absorb a lot of labor, produce food products, and also provide raw materials for industrial needs.

Established in 1988 PT. Adil Makmur Fajar (AMCO) has helped increase agricultural productivity in Indonesia

PT. Adil Makmur Fajar is engaged in the agrochemical industry that produces technical ingredients and formulations used to produce Herbicides, Insecticides, Acaricides, Fungicides, Molluscicides, and Plant Regulating Substances (ZPT).

Technology for Efficiency

To increase production speed and efficiency. Our production process is supported by integrated machines, which minimize manual labor intervention so that high-quality production results and accurate compositions with consistent doses can be obtained.

Supply Guarantee

For the cost efficiency and an organized storage system, we use a layered high-shelving system. This shelving system has a storage capacity of up to 1,470 pallets, which is equivalent to 1,176,000 kg. This allows us to always have stock available that is ready to be shipped at any time within a short time.

Our Product

Technical and Formulation
Finished Product
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